Mos meaning military
Mos meaning military

mos meaning military

The SQI is represented in the fifth character of the warrant officer MOSC and may be used to represent functional career tracks with an MOS. (Warrant Officer) Designates significant qualifications which require, as a minimum, successful completion of a formal service school or at least 6 months on-the-job training. Use of these identifiers in individual classification will be in accordance with AR 614-200. Special qualifications identifiers are authorized for use with an MOS and skill level character, unless otherwise specified, to identify special qualifications of personnel who are capable of filling such positions. The fifth character of the MOSC will contain the letter "O" when the Soldier is not qualified for an SQI. (Enlisted) The SQI is the fifth character of the MOSC and may be used with any MOS unless restricted by DA Pam 611-21. Additionally, some SQI schools are only open to ASI holders, as is the case with Special Forces Underwater Operations School only qualified Special Forces Soldiers may attend. Not every MOS offers specialty SQI schools. For example, an Infantryman cannot attend Court Reporter School, but an Army paralegal can. The difference between SQI and ASI schools is that SQI schools are MOS-specific. SQI schools are considered specialty schools. An example of this would be ASI P5, "Master Fitness Trainer." Other ASI's can be awarded to Soldiers in any MOS. The Army's other specialty ASI schools are Air Assault, Sapper, Pathfinder, Special Forces, Delta Force and Ranger.Īn example of an MOS specific ASI is ASI C5 (Court Reporter), which is issued only to Soldiers in MOS 27D (Legal Specialist). Although these Soldiers may be unlikely to use Airborne training when they return to their home units, they are welcome to take the course. For example, a human resources Soldier can attend Airborne School alongside a wheeled vehicle mechanic. Since ASI refers to Additional Skill Identifiers, which means any eligible Soldier may attend the school to expand their knowledge. ASI schools include non-military occupation specialty, or MOS, specific education. ASIs show additional skills, training, and qualification a Soldier may possess, in addition to the Soldier's Military Occupation Specialty (MOS). The sixth and seventh characters of the MOSC will contain "00" when the Soldier is not qualified for an ASI. It identifies skills requiring formal school training or other criteria specified in DA Pam 611-21. The ASI is the sixth and seventh characters of the MOSC. Medical, Lawyers, Chaplains, and Music as required by the Army. The Army provides specialized training to individuals with specific skills i.e. The ASI and SQI are codes that identify the training a Soldier has attained and identifies training requirements required for a duty position (as identified in MTOE, TDA and Unit Status Reporting). The Army provides additional specialized training to Soldiers that already have an MOS, this specialized training further enhances the Soldier to meet qualifications required to conduct unit's mission at higher echelons (tier groups 2, 3, 4 and 5). Career Management Fields (CMF) / Military Occupation Specialty (MOS)

Mos meaning military